Powell Latimer

1 minute read

How it happens, a brief guide:

First, be very, very stressed and anxious about the world amid a global pandemic.

Then, decide you have to do something or you’ll go insane just scrolling twitter all day.

Next, look at the hugo themes list page and think oooohhhh that one looks good.

Next, read through the wonderful blogdown book on building websites with Rstudio

Think: “wait can I do this? I think I can”

blogdown::serve_site() works once and you get extremely excited.

Realize you have made a huge mistake. Start over. Figure out those pesky header images. Actually read the documentation for the theme config.

Decide you’re a digital analyst and dammit, if you’re going to do this, you should have GTM installed. Find a very helpful guide.

Commit and push!

Realize you have made a typo. Fix it.

Commit and push again!

Repeat ad infinitum.

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